The Portland Wedding Stationery Set
Hand calligraphy is at the centre of this colourful wedding stationery set, with elements of it appearing across all of the items.
Select your design and place your order online
We customise your chosen design for you
Your order is shipped 10-12 days after approval

Portland Save The Date Cards

Portland Wedding Invitations

Portland Wedding RSVP Cards

Portland Wedding Information Cards

Portland Wedding Order of Service

Portland Wedding Menu

Portland Wedding Thank You Cards

Portland Wedding Place Cards

Portland Wedding Table Plan

Portland Wedding Escort Cards and Envelopes

Portland Wedding Table Numbers

Portland Wedding Table Names
By bringing together in one place almost all the items of stationery that you might need for your wedding, we hope to simplify the process by which you decide exactly what you do need and also help to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
To do this we have gathered the various items into sets, with each individual item sharing the name of the set, as with the Portland wedding set. This way you can be assured of a cohesive look when choosing items from the same set, since each item will share certain characteristics with others within the set.
The lead element within any set is usually the invitation and this often informs not only the Save the Date that precedes it, but generally any items that might accompany it. Our Portland calligraphy wedding invitations are most distinctive as they uses text that has been hand written by a calligrapher and elements of the calligrapher’s handwriting permeate through the rest of the set to create that cohesive look. The invitation is written on a lovely white card with a loosely textured surface and these two elements are used throughout the rest of then set. For the save the date calligraphy the flowing hand is in evidence but whilst the card mimics the landscape format of the main invitation it takes a narrower, more elongated shape. The Reply card and the Information card use the calligrapher’s hand more sparingly as page headers only, since legibility is a key requirement for these two documents, but this is the signature element of the set and is prevalent throughout.
What if I don’t like that style of calligraphy?
You will not be able to order you cards online if you do not like the loose style that our calligrapher has written for this set, but we would be happy to discuss alternatives with you so please telephone or email so that we might explore other options with you.
Can I have a different coloured wedding invitation card?
We have chosen a crisp white card for our Portland set because we feel it works well with the ink colours that we are offering but if you wish to use a different coloured card then once again please contact us directly so that we may assess the feasibility of the change.
I want Invitations now and a wedding Order of Service and calligraphy Place Cards later
That is fine. Any item can be ordered individually thereby allowing you to order only the items that you really need, at the time that you need them. Simply order your wedding invitations now and then return to us when you have agreed the content of the Order of Service and are ready to place your order.
How quickly can I have my wedding stationery?
If you are ordering several items from the set at the same time we will always try to ensure that all of them complete within a short time of one another so that they can all be collected from us or ship together. Even the most complicated are generally ready with two working weeks and sometimes considerably faster. Goods can be collected from our premises in Chelsea or sent by same day courier to destinations within Central London. For all other UK destinations we use overnight carriers and for worldwide deliveries we use the services of the International carriers whose delivery schedules apply, according to your location.